Sebenarnya, aku tak tahu aku nak tulis apa dan sepatutnya, aku patut tulis sesuatu. Sekurang-kurangnya aku patut menulis tentang 'sepemergian' (ada perkataan ni?) aku ke Mesir. Itu yang sekurang-kurangnya. Sebabnya, untuk berkongsi adalah untuk mengambil berat. I mean, "to share is to care".
It's been a while since i wrote lengthy essays, blog posts or anything like that. So, it's quite slow for me to put some good words to this post. You know, you can't or you just don't want to tell people of your experiences (good or bad) orally because you just don't want to. But, there are people who are worth sharing your stories with. Unfortunately, you just don't have time or chances to meet them and sit down telling your stories of how you are dealing with your life, places you have been, up and down or random things. So, this is when blogging come into the picture.
Aku tahu apa yang aku tulis ni benda yang bila dibaca, kita boleh cakap, "Aku tahu tu." Tapi, itulah. Benda-benda yang kecik macam ni lah yang kita kadang-kadang perlu ingat. Atau tidak. Terpulang lah.
p/s : Those words up there, they're random. Deep.
pp/s : No, they don't. They're not deep and I just wrote something worthless.
ppp/s : I'm bored. I need to write something about my Egypt's trip but I don't know where to start.
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